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Writer's picturethepresentexplorer

First Time Solo Traveling

"How did you just drop everything and leave?"

"Where did you get the money to travel?"

"I wish I could do that but I just don’t know how.”

These are all messages I received when I chose to “drop everything”, pack up and go on a solo backpacking trip for 3 months. In this post I will be diving into my thought process, planning, and experience.

When I first thought about going on this trip I had a job I did not like very much and was in an unhealthy relationship. I really wanted to travel, but I felt so stuck. I knew the things that I had were not in alignment with myself and my life so I chose to take that big, scary step and change it. I quit my job, left the relationship, and decided to do what felt right to me.

I had never traveled alone before and I had been working on self growth and self discovery so I knew my next trip would be by myself. I wanted to travel somewhere I had never been before, a different country, an entirely different culture. Then, I also thought it would be so nice if while I am traveling to a new place if I could help a community that was in need, so I decided to volunteer abroad. I researched for months on different countries, different volunteer organizations, and different ways I could give back. While doing my research I came across a country that I had never heard of, on the complete other side of the world, and thought - perfect! (I know, I sound crazy right?) But this is exactly what felt right, I trusted my gut, signed up to volunteer, bought my plane ticket to Sri Lanka and started planning my trip.

Personally, I don’t spend much money, I like to save it for things that really make me happy like my adventures that I go on. So I had a good amount of money saved up. It is important to plan ahead to make sure you are financially ready and set up a budget for your travels.


If you plan on backpacking and are in your twenties like me, you probably need to budget! Plan your budget based on how long you will be away for. You will need to pay for food, shelter, transportation, any excursions you may choose to do, possibly clothes. Another thing to keep in mind is if you are like me and only plan to be away for one month, fall in love with the place and end up staying for three months, you need to be prepared for that! (It can definitely happen when you are having such a good time)


Bring only what you NEED. Remember, you are BACKPACKING, meaning you have to carry whatever you bring. I would recommend a couple pairs of pants and two pairs of shorts (depending on climate), a dress or two, a few tops, undergarments, shoes, and then any toiletries, chargers, or medicine. It will make life so much easier if you pack light. You may also meet other backpackers who don’t want certain clothing anymore because they have too much and you may luck out with a new piece!

Packing a fanny pack or some sort of bag that will be tightly attached to you is a very smart idea for keeping your valuables with you. This is much safer than a purse or in your backpack.


Possible sleeping options are hostels, airbnb’s, hotels, camping, couch surfing. These depend on your location and budget.

Here are some websites if you need:


If you are interested in volunteering abroad but don't know too much about it, I will provide links below! Volunteering is an incredible experience. I spent time helping at a special needs orphanage, teaching English to monks, and renovating temples in Sri Lanka. No matter, how you decide to help you will not regret it. This was the most amazing experience of my life and giving back will always be important to me. If you choose to volunteer, you will surely receive so much more than you feel that you are giving back.

There are plenty more great organizations you can find, but these are just a few!

If you have never been backpacking or traveled solo before and are considering it but are not sure - go for it! It can be scary at first because it's new but as you start your journey you will gain confidence, grow independent, discover things about yourself you never knew, see brand new places, meet life-long friends all over the world, and have an experience like no other! I hope these tips help you on your first backpacking adventure!

Where would your first place on your backpacking travel list be?

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Mar 31, 2020

@JoeTether That's a great question! I find it so much easier to pack light and have enough clothes to alternate for about a week. When I backpack I do not dress to impress, I just bring clothes that I love and will find suitable for that trip. Depending on where you are traveling and where you choose to stay may have some options for you as well. When you stay at hostels occasionally they will have laundry detergent, washing machines, or soaps that you can have. If the place does not have a washing machine I will wash my clothes in the shower or tub and then hang them outdoors, on a drying rack, or on the edge of my…


Joe Tether
Joe Tether
Mar 29, 2020

How do you manage keeping clothes clean with so little to wear? That's one part of backpacking that I never understood!! Did a lot of the places you stay have somewhere to do laundry?

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