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10 Fun Activities During Self Isolation

Around the world, this time is difficult for everyone. Although, the number one thing to do right now is self isolate. Depending on where you are you may still be in colder temperatures, but Spring has officially started so warmer days are soon to come! Many of us are bored and tired of being cooped up in the house. I have come up with a list of 10 activities to keep yourself busy and entertained while in self isolation.

1. Have a paint and sip party via Facetime.

Together decide what you will paint, use the picture as a reference and start painting while catching up with your friends! BYO snacks and drinks!!

2. Make cards to send to family and friends.

You can get a huge head start on holiday card making, birthday cards, or just a friendly card to say hello!

3. Use Netflix Party.

Netflix currently has a party feature that allows you to stream a movie at the same time among friends. There are chat features and a mutual pause button.

4. Channel your creative side.

Get crafty at home! Maybe you wanted to start a project around your house, now is the time!

5. Plan a future trip.

I love coming up with itineraries and trip ideas for places that I have not seen yet. Airbnb and Pinterest have tons of ideas to get you feeling inspired!

You can also refer to my travel section of the blog for some ideas!

6. Write.

Try getting your thoughts and feelings out onto paper. Whether it be journaling, poetry, writing short stories, or writing a book.

7. Start gardening.

Spring is here, time to clean up the garden, plant some seeds, grow some veggies, all while being out in nature.

8. Learn something new.

Have you been wanting to pick up a new instrument, learn a language, or try out a new hobby but haven’t had the time? If your schedule has freed up, this would be the perfect opportunity!

9. Practice self care.

With all that is going on, it may be easy to fall into negative patterns so it is extra important that you include some self care into your schedule! Plan some YOU time for the week. Try deep breathing, meditation, take a hot bath, have a spa night, drink herbal tea, stretch, do yoga, go to sleep early, drink lots of water, try saying positive affirmations, do things that make you HAPPY.

10. Go outside!

It is super important to get outside no matter the weather. Fresh air, the sun, and getting out of the house does your mind well! Go on a hike, watch the sunrise, watch the sunset, have a bonfire, roast some marshmallows, listen to the birds since, feel the grass on your feet, and the sun on your skin, smile. You are here on this beautiful Earth, you are alive, and you are so special.

I am sending so much love and light to you all while we go through this strange time together. I hope you can find use in this post to adding some new activities to your schedule!

What are you doing to keep busy during this time?

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Joe Tether
Joe Tether
29 Mar 2020

Don't forget #11 - Blog! xD

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